17 August 2010

More Than Conquerors

I have been going through a lot in the past year.  Much of the damage has been self-inflicted, which you can read about in my Lazarus Post.  Regardless of how I got here, I did.  I have to live in the now...learning from my past failures, mistakes, catastrophes, and MOVING FORWARD!

That is tough.

How do you deal with memories of a marred past?  You try.  You really do!  You have repented and given it to Father...but at night when left with just the sound of a ceiling fan and your thoughts...how?

What do you do when co-workers make fun of you and your beliefs?  Better yet, what if you work IN the ministry, but are put down, run over, taken advantage of and used.

I believe we have been conditioned to try to conquer our obstacles.  My Father told me when things were going bad at work to just "put your head down and plow." 

Get through it!  You can do it!

There is a certain degree of honor and pride associated with this philosophy.  We celebrate the underdogs, the role players, the blue-collar workers, those who triumph over adversity.  The ones who get more out of their potential throguh hard-work.  Just Plow!

I get it.  Is there anything WRONG with that?  I would say NO!  Admirable trait.  CONQUER!

But as I think about my situation and the  path I am on, I am not sure that is what Father wants from me.  To put my head down and plow.  I have actually said to several people who understand my situation that I can't wait to see what God is going to do through my wife and me when this is over.  How amazing it will be to come out on the other side of this current predicament.  Basically that I am longing for the day when I conquer this and can really get back on track.

But that isn't what my Heavenly Father wants for me.  Or you.

God's desire for us is that we be MORE-THAN-CONQUERORS!

CONQUERORS get through.

MORE-THAN-CONQUERORS give God Praise WHILE getting through.

CONQUERORS see through human eyes.


Paul and Silas sang WHILE IN PRISON, not AFTER they were freed.

The People of Israel SHOUTED VICTORY BEFORE the walls of Jericho fell.

This concept is now on my list of many to take on and make my own. 

Instead of WAITING til the trial is over, PRAISE GOD NOW! 


1 comment:

  1. I too have accepted the "just plow" mentality at times and it has gotten me through the day-to-day, but it has never brought true victory. You are correct in saying that seeing as God sees will take us to another level.

    A.W. Tozer once said, "It is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until He has hurt him deeply." Whether that hurt directly comes from God or comes at our own hands is different in everyone's life, but I am confident that our current frustrations are the detestable fertilizer from which delectable fruit will one day grow.

    Great post, good enthusiasm and nice use of biblical examples to drive home your point.
